changeset 246 0998f404dd31
parent 245 910f00ab2799
child 247 1ca743b3eb80
--- a/vendor/	Sun Jan 13 12:58:50 2019 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1214 +0,0 @@
-// Blackfriday Markdown Processor
-// Available at
-// Copyright © 2011 Russ Ross <>.
-// Distributed under the Simplified BSD License.
-// See for details.
-// Functions to parse inline elements.
-package blackfriday
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"regexp"
-	"strconv"
-var (
-	urlRe    = `((https?|ftp):\/\/|\/)[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;\(\)]+`
-	anchorRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(<a\shref="` + urlRe + `"(\stitle="[^"<>]+")?\s?>` + urlRe + `<\/a>)`)
-	// TODO: improve this regexp to catch all possible entities:
-	htmlEntityRe = regexp.MustCompile(`&[a-z]{2,5};`)
-// Functions to parse text within a block
-// Each function returns the number of chars taken care of
-// data is the complete block being rendered
-// offset is the number of valid chars before the current cursor
-func (p *Markdown) inline(currBlock *Node, data []byte) {
-	// handlers might call us recursively: enforce a maximum depth
-	if p.nesting >= p.maxNesting || len(data) == 0 {
-		return
-	}
-	p.nesting++
-	beg, end := 0, 0
-	for end < len(data) {
-		handler := p.inlineCallback[data[end]]
-		if handler != nil {
-			if consumed, node := handler(p, data, end); consumed == 0 {
-				// No action from the callback.
-				end++
-			} else {
-				// Copy inactive chars into the output.
-				currBlock.AppendChild(text(data[beg:end]))
-				if node != nil {
-					currBlock.AppendChild(node)
-				}
-				// Skip past whatever the callback used.
-				beg = end + consumed
-				end = beg
-			}
-		} else {
-			end++
-		}
-	}
-	if beg < len(data) {
-		if data[end-1] == '\n' {
-			end--
-		}
-		currBlock.AppendChild(text(data[beg:end]))
-	}
-	p.nesting--
-// single and double emphasis parsing
-func emphasis(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	data = data[offset:]
-	c := data[0]
-	if len(data) > 2 && data[1] != c {
-		// whitespace cannot follow an opening emphasis;
-		// strikethrough only takes two characters '~~'
-		if c == '~' || isspace(data[1]) {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		ret, node := helperEmphasis(p, data[1:], c)
-		if ret == 0 {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		return ret + 1, node
-	}
-	if len(data) > 3 && data[1] == c && data[2] != c {
-		if isspace(data[2]) {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		ret, node := helperDoubleEmphasis(p, data[2:], c)
-		if ret == 0 {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		return ret + 2, node
-	}
-	if len(data) > 4 && data[1] == c && data[2] == c && data[3] != c {
-		if c == '~' || isspace(data[3]) {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		ret, node := helperTripleEmphasis(p, data, 3, c)
-		if ret == 0 {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		return ret + 3, node
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-func codeSpan(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	data = data[offset:]
-	nb := 0
-	// count the number of backticks in the delimiter
-	for nb < len(data) && data[nb] == '`' {
-		nb++
-	}
-	// find the next delimiter
-	i, end := 0, 0
-	for end = nb; end < len(data) && i < nb; end++ {
-		if data[end] == '`' {
-			i++
-		} else {
-			i = 0
-		}
-	}
-	// no matching delimiter?
-	if i < nb && end >= len(data) {
-		return 0, nil
-	}
-	// trim outside whitespace
-	fBegin := nb
-	for fBegin < end && data[fBegin] == ' ' {
-		fBegin++
-	}
-	fEnd := end - nb
-	for fEnd > fBegin && data[fEnd-1] == ' ' {
-		fEnd--
-	}
-	// render the code span
-	if fBegin != fEnd {
-		code := NewNode(Code)
-		code.Literal = data[fBegin:fEnd]
-		return end, code
-	}
-	return end, nil
-// newline preceded by two spaces becomes <br>
-func maybeLineBreak(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	origOffset := offset
-	for offset < len(data) && data[offset] == ' ' {
-		offset++
-	}
-	if offset < len(data) && data[offset] == '\n' {
-		if offset-origOffset >= 2 {
-			return offset - origOffset + 1, NewNode(Hardbreak)
-		}
-		return offset - origOffset, nil
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-// newline without two spaces works when HardLineBreak is enabled
-func lineBreak(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	if p.extensions&HardLineBreak != 0 {
-		return 1, NewNode(Hardbreak)
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-type linkType int
-const (
-	linkNormal linkType = iota
-	linkImg
-	linkDeferredFootnote
-	linkInlineFootnote
-func isReferenceStyleLink(data []byte, pos int, t linkType) bool {
-	if t == linkDeferredFootnote {
-		return false
-	}
-	return pos < len(data)-1 && data[pos] == '[' && data[pos+1] != '^'
-func maybeImage(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	if offset < len(data)-1 && data[offset+1] == '[' {
-		return link(p, data, offset)
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-func maybeInlineFootnote(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	if offset < len(data)-1 && data[offset+1] == '[' {
-		return link(p, data, offset)
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-// '[': parse a link or an image or a footnote
-func link(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	// no links allowed inside regular links, footnote, and deferred footnotes
-	if p.insideLink && (offset > 0 && data[offset-1] == '[' || len(data)-1 > offset && data[offset+1] == '^') {
-		return 0, nil
-	}
-	var t linkType
-	switch {
-	// special case: ![^text] == deferred footnote (that follows something with
-	// an exclamation point)
-	case p.extensions&Footnotes != 0 && len(data)-1 > offset && data[offset+1] == '^':
-		t = linkDeferredFootnote
-	// ![alt] == image
-	case offset >= 0 && data[offset] == '!':
-		t = linkImg
-		offset++
-	// ^[text] == inline footnote
-	// [^refId] == deferred footnote
-	case p.extensions&Footnotes != 0:
-		if offset >= 0 && data[offset] == '^' {
-			t = linkInlineFootnote
-			offset++
-		} else if len(data)-1 > offset && data[offset+1] == '^' {
-			t = linkDeferredFootnote
-		}
-	// [text] == regular link
-	default:
-		t = linkNormal
-	}
-	data = data[offset:]
-	var (
-		i                       = 1
-		noteID                  int
-		title, link, altContent []byte
-		textHasNl               = false
-	)
-	if t == linkDeferredFootnote {
-		i++
-	}
-	// look for the matching closing bracket
-	for level := 1; level > 0 && i < len(data); i++ {
-		switch {
-		case data[i] == '\n':
-			textHasNl = true
-		case data[i-1] == '\\':
-			continue
-		case data[i] == '[':
-			level++
-		case data[i] == ']':
-			level--
-			if level <= 0 {
-				i-- // compensate for extra i++ in for loop
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if i >= len(data) {
-		return 0, nil
-	}
-	txtE := i
-	i++
-	var footnoteNode *Node
-	// skip any amount of whitespace or newline
-	// (this is much more lax than original markdown syntax)
-	for i < len(data) && isspace(data[i]) {
-		i++
-	}
-	// inline style link
-	switch {
-	case i < len(data) && data[i] == '(':
-		// skip initial whitespace
-		i++
-		for i < len(data) && isspace(data[i]) {
-			i++
-		}
-		linkB := i
-		// look for link end: ' " )
-	findlinkend:
-		for i < len(data) {
-			switch {
-			case data[i] == '\\':
-				i += 2
-			case data[i] == ')' || data[i] == '\'' || data[i] == '"':
-				break findlinkend
-			default:
-				i++
-			}
-		}
-		if i >= len(data) {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		linkE := i
-		// look for title end if present
-		titleB, titleE := 0, 0
-		if data[i] == '\'' || data[i] == '"' {
-			i++
-			titleB = i
-		findtitleend:
-			for i < len(data) {
-				switch {
-				case data[i] == '\\':
-					i += 2
-				case data[i] == ')':
-					break findtitleend
-				default:
-					i++
-				}
-			}
-			if i >= len(data) {
-				return 0, nil
-			}
-			// skip whitespace after title
-			titleE = i - 1
-			for titleE > titleB && isspace(data[titleE]) {
-				titleE--
-			}
-			// check for closing quote presence
-			if data[titleE] != '\'' && data[titleE] != '"' {
-				titleB, titleE = 0, 0
-				linkE = i
-			}
-		}
-		// remove whitespace at the end of the link
-		for linkE > linkB && isspace(data[linkE-1]) {
-			linkE--
-		}
-		// remove optional angle brackets around the link
-		if data[linkB] == '<' {
-			linkB++
-		}
-		if data[linkE-1] == '>' {
-			linkE--
-		}
-		// build escaped link and title
-		if linkE > linkB {
-			link = data[linkB:linkE]
-		}
-		if titleE > titleB {
-			title = data[titleB:titleE]
-		}
-		i++
-	// reference style link
-	case isReferenceStyleLink(data, i, t):
-		var id []byte
-		altContentConsidered := false
-		// look for the id
-		i++
-		linkB := i
-		for i < len(data) && data[i] != ']' {
-			i++
-		}
-		if i >= len(data) {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		linkE := i
-		// find the reference
-		if linkB == linkE {
-			if textHasNl {
-				var b bytes.Buffer
-				for j := 1; j < txtE; j++ {
-					switch {
-					case data[j] != '\n':
-						b.WriteByte(data[j])
-					case data[j-1] != ' ':
-						b.WriteByte(' ')
-					}
-				}
-				id = b.Bytes()
-			} else {
-				id = data[1:txtE]
-				altContentConsidered = true
-			}
-		} else {
-			id = data[linkB:linkE]
-		}
-		// find the reference with matching id
-		lr, ok := p.getRef(string(id))
-		if !ok {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		// keep link and title from reference
-		link =
-		title = lr.title
-		if altContentConsidered {
-			altContent = lr.text
-		}
-		i++
-	// shortcut reference style link or reference or inline footnote
-	default:
-		var id []byte
-		// craft the id
-		if textHasNl {
-			var b bytes.Buffer
-			for j := 1; j < txtE; j++ {
-				switch {
-				case data[j] != '\n':
-					b.WriteByte(data[j])
-				case data[j-1] != ' ':
-					b.WriteByte(' ')
-				}
-			}
-			id = b.Bytes()
-		} else {
-			if t == linkDeferredFootnote {
-				id = data[2:txtE] // get rid of the ^
-			} else {
-				id = data[1:txtE]
-			}
-		}
-		footnoteNode = NewNode(Item)
-		if t == linkInlineFootnote {
-			// create a new reference
-			noteID = len(p.notes) + 1
-			var fragment []byte
-			if len(id) > 0 {
-				if len(id) < 16 {
-					fragment = make([]byte, len(id))
-				} else {
-					fragment = make([]byte, 16)
-				}
-				copy(fragment, slugify(id))
-			} else {
-				fragment = append([]byte("footnote-"), []byte(strconv.Itoa(noteID))...)
-			}
-			ref := &reference{
-				noteID:   noteID,
-				hasBlock: false,
-				link:     fragment,
-				title:    id,
-				footnote: footnoteNode,
-			}
-			p.notes = append(p.notes, ref)
-			link =
-			title = ref.title
-		} else {
-			// find the reference with matching id
-			lr, ok := p.getRef(string(id))
-			if !ok {
-				return 0, nil
-			}
-			if t == linkDeferredFootnote {
-				lr.noteID = len(p.notes) + 1
-				lr.footnote = footnoteNode
-				p.notes = append(p.notes, lr)
-			}
-			// keep link and title from reference
-			link =
-			// if inline footnote, title == footnote contents
-			title = lr.title
-			noteID = lr.noteID
-		}
-		// rewind the whitespace
-		i = txtE + 1
-	}
-	var uLink []byte
-	if t == linkNormal || t == linkImg {
-		if len(link) > 0 {
-			var uLinkBuf bytes.Buffer
-			unescapeText(&uLinkBuf, link)
-			uLink = uLinkBuf.Bytes()
-		}
-		// links need something to click on and somewhere to go
-		if len(uLink) == 0 || (t == linkNormal && txtE <= 1) {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-	}
-	// call the relevant rendering function
-	var linkNode *Node
-	switch t {
-	case linkNormal:
-		linkNode = NewNode(Link)
-		linkNode.Destination = normalizeURI(uLink)
-		linkNode.Title = title
-		if len(altContent) > 0 {
-			linkNode.AppendChild(text(altContent))
-		} else {
-			// links cannot contain other links, so turn off link parsing
-			// temporarily and recurse
-			insideLink := p.insideLink
-			p.insideLink = true
-			p.inline(linkNode, data[1:txtE])
-			p.insideLink = insideLink
-		}
-	case linkImg:
-		linkNode = NewNode(Image)
-		linkNode.Destination = uLink
-		linkNode.Title = title
-		linkNode.AppendChild(text(data[1:txtE]))
-		i++
-	case linkInlineFootnote, linkDeferredFootnote:
-		linkNode = NewNode(Link)
-		linkNode.Destination = link
-		linkNode.Title = title
-		linkNode.NoteID = noteID
-		linkNode.Footnote = footnoteNode
-		if t == linkInlineFootnote {
-			i++
-		}
-	default:
-		return 0, nil
-	}
-	return i, linkNode
-func (p *Markdown) inlineHTMLComment(data []byte) int {
-	if len(data) < 5 {
-		return 0
-	}
-	if data[0] != '<' || data[1] != '!' || data[2] != '-' || data[3] != '-' {
-		return 0
-	}
-	i := 5
-	// scan for an end-of-comment marker, across lines if necessary
-	for i < len(data) && !(data[i-2] == '-' && data[i-1] == '-' && data[i] == '>') {
-		i++
-	}
-	// no end-of-comment marker
-	if i >= len(data) {
-		return 0
-	}
-	return i + 1
-func stripMailto(link []byte) []byte {
-	if bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("mailto://")) {
-		return link[9:]
-	} else if bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("mailto:")) {
-		return link[7:]
-	} else {
-		return link
-	}
-// autolinkType specifies a kind of autolink that gets detected.
-type autolinkType int
-// These are the possible flag values for the autolink renderer.
-const (
-	notAutolink autolinkType = iota
-	normalAutolink
-	emailAutolink
-// '<' when tags or autolinks are allowed
-func leftAngle(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	data = data[offset:]
-	altype, end := tagLength(data)
-	if size := p.inlineHTMLComment(data); size > 0 {
-		end = size
-	}
-	if end > 2 {
-		if altype != notAutolink {
-			var uLink bytes.Buffer
-			unescapeText(&uLink, data[1:end+1-2])
-			if uLink.Len() > 0 {
-				link := uLink.Bytes()
-				node := NewNode(Link)
-				node.Destination = link
-				if altype == emailAutolink {
-					node.Destination = append([]byte("mailto:"), link...)
-				}
-				node.AppendChild(text(stripMailto(link)))
-				return end, node
-			}
-		} else {
-			htmlTag := NewNode(HTMLSpan)
-			htmlTag.Literal = data[:end]
-			return end, htmlTag
-		}
-	}
-	return end, nil
-// '\\' backslash escape
-var escapeChars = []byte("\\`*_{}[]()#+-.!:|&<>~")
-func escape(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	data = data[offset:]
-	if len(data) > 1 {
-		if p.extensions&BackslashLineBreak != 0 && data[1] == '\n' {
-			return 2, NewNode(Hardbreak)
-		}
-		if bytes.IndexByte(escapeChars, data[1]) < 0 {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		return 2, text(data[1:2])
-	}
-	return 2, nil
-func unescapeText(ob *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) {
-	i := 0
-	for i < len(src) {
-		org := i
-		for i < len(src) && src[i] != '\\' {
-			i++
-		}
-		if i > org {
-			ob.Write(src[org:i])
-		}
-		if i+1 >= len(src) {
-			break
-		}
-		ob.WriteByte(src[i+1])
-		i += 2
-	}
-// '&' escaped when it doesn't belong to an entity
-// valid entities are assumed to be anything matching &#?[A-Za-z0-9]+;
-func entity(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	data = data[offset:]
-	end := 1
-	if end < len(data) && data[end] == '#' {
-		end++
-	}
-	for end < len(data) && isalnum(data[end]) {
-		end++
-	}
-	if end < len(data) && data[end] == ';' {
-		end++ // real entity
-	} else {
-		return 0, nil // lone '&'
-	}
-	ent := data[:end]
-	// undo &amp; escaping or it will be converted to &amp;amp; by another
-	// escaper in the renderer
-	if bytes.Equal(ent, []byte("&amp;")) {
-		ent = []byte{'&'}
-	}
-	return end, text(ent)
-func linkEndsWithEntity(data []byte, linkEnd int) bool {
-	entityRanges := htmlEntityRe.FindAllIndex(data[:linkEnd], -1)
-	return entityRanges != nil && entityRanges[len(entityRanges)-1][1] == linkEnd
-// hasPrefixCaseInsensitive is a custom implementation of
-//     strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(s), prefix)
-// we rolled our own because ToLower pulls in a huge machinery of lowercasing
-// anything from Unicode and that's very slow. Since this func will only be
-// used on ASCII protocol prefixes, we can take shortcuts.
-func hasPrefixCaseInsensitive(s, prefix []byte) bool {
-	if len(s) < len(prefix) {
-		return false
-	}
-	delta := byte('a' - 'A')
-	for i, b := range prefix {
-		if b != s[i] && b != s[i]+delta {
-			return false
-		}
-	}
-	return true
-var protocolPrefixes = [][]byte{
-	[]byte("http://"),
-	[]byte("https://"),
-	[]byte("ftp://"),
-	[]byte("file://"),
-	[]byte("mailto:"),
-const shortestPrefix = 6 // len("ftp://"), the shortest of the above
-func maybeAutoLink(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	// quick check to rule out most false hits
-	if p.insideLink || len(data) < offset+shortestPrefix {
-		return 0, nil
-	}
-	for _, prefix := range protocolPrefixes {
-		endOfHead := offset + 8 // 8 is the len() of the longest prefix
-		if endOfHead > len(data) {
-			endOfHead = len(data)
-		}
-		if hasPrefixCaseInsensitive(data[offset:endOfHead], prefix) {
-			return autoLink(p, data, offset)
-		}
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-func autoLink(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int) (int, *Node) {
-	// Now a more expensive check to see if we're not inside an anchor element
-	anchorStart := offset
-	offsetFromAnchor := 0
-	for anchorStart > 0 && data[anchorStart] != '<' {
-		anchorStart--
-		offsetFromAnchor++
-	}
-	anchorStr := anchorRe.Find(data[anchorStart:])
-	if anchorStr != nil {
-		anchorClose := NewNode(HTMLSpan)
-		anchorClose.Literal = anchorStr[offsetFromAnchor:]
-		return len(anchorStr) - offsetFromAnchor, anchorClose
-	}
-	// scan backward for a word boundary
-	rewind := 0
-	for offset-rewind > 0 && rewind <= 7 && isletter(data[offset-rewind-1]) {
-		rewind++
-	}
-	if rewind > 6 { // longest supported protocol is "mailto" which has 6 letters
-		return 0, nil
-	}
-	origData := data
-	data = data[offset-rewind:]
-	if !isSafeLink(data) {
-		return 0, nil
-	}
-	linkEnd := 0
-	for linkEnd < len(data) && !isEndOfLink(data[linkEnd]) {
-		linkEnd++
-	}
-	// Skip punctuation at the end of the link
-	if (data[linkEnd-1] == '.' || data[linkEnd-1] == ',') && data[linkEnd-2] != '\\' {
-		linkEnd--
-	}
-	// But don't skip semicolon if it's a part of escaped entity:
-	if data[linkEnd-1] == ';' && data[linkEnd-2] != '\\' && !linkEndsWithEntity(data, linkEnd) {
-		linkEnd--
-	}
-	// See if the link finishes with a punctuation sign that can be closed.
-	var copen byte
-	switch data[linkEnd-1] {
-	case '"':
-		copen = '"'
-	case '\'':
-		copen = '\''
-	case ')':
-		copen = '('
-	case ']':
-		copen = '['
-	case '}':
-		copen = '{'
-	default:
-		copen = 0
-	}
-	if copen != 0 {
-		bufEnd := offset - rewind + linkEnd - 2
-		openDelim := 1
-		/* Try to close the final punctuation sign in this same line;
-		 * if we managed to close it outside of the URL, that means that it's
-		 * not part of the URL. If it closes inside the URL, that means it
-		 * is part of the URL.
-		 *
-		 * Examples:
-		 *
-		 *      foo bar
-		 *              =>
-		 *
-		 *      foo ( bar
-		 *              =>
-		 *
-		 *      foo bar
-		 *              =>
-		 *
-		 *      (foo bar
-		 *              => foo
-		 */
-		for bufEnd >= 0 && origData[bufEnd] != '\n' && openDelim != 0 {
-			if origData[bufEnd] == data[linkEnd-1] {
-				openDelim++
-			}
-			if origData[bufEnd] == copen {
-				openDelim--
-			}
-			bufEnd--
-		}
-		if openDelim == 0 {
-			linkEnd--
-		}
-	}
-	var uLink bytes.Buffer
-	unescapeText(&uLink, data[:linkEnd])
-	if uLink.Len() > 0 {
-		node := NewNode(Link)
-		node.Destination = uLink.Bytes()
-		node.AppendChild(text(uLink.Bytes()))
-		return linkEnd, node
-	}
-	return linkEnd, nil
-func isEndOfLink(char byte) bool {
-	return isspace(char) || char == '<'
-var validUris = [][]byte{[]byte("http://"), []byte("https://"), []byte("ftp://"), []byte("mailto://")}
-var validPaths = [][]byte{[]byte("/"), []byte("./"), []byte("../")}
-func isSafeLink(link []byte) bool {
-	for _, path := range validPaths {
-		if len(link) >= len(path) && bytes.Equal(link[:len(path)], path) {
-			if len(link) == len(path) {
-				return true
-			} else if isalnum(link[len(path)]) {
-				return true
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for _, prefix := range validUris {
-		// TODO: handle unicode here
-		// case-insensitive prefix test
-		if len(link) > len(prefix) && bytes.Equal(bytes.ToLower(link[:len(prefix)]), prefix) && isalnum(link[len(prefix)]) {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// return the length of the given tag, or 0 is it's not valid
-func tagLength(data []byte) (autolink autolinkType, end int) {
-	var i, j int
-	// a valid tag can't be shorter than 3 chars
-	if len(data) < 3 {
-		return notAutolink, 0
-	}
-	// begins with a '<' optionally followed by '/', followed by letter or number
-	if data[0] != '<' {
-		return notAutolink, 0
-	}
-	if data[1] == '/' {
-		i = 2
-	} else {
-		i = 1
-	}
-	if !isalnum(data[i]) {
-		return notAutolink, 0
-	}
-	// scheme test
-	autolink = notAutolink
-	// try to find the beginning of an URI
-	for i < len(data) && (isalnum(data[i]) || data[i] == '.' || data[i] == '+' || data[i] == '-') {
-		i++
-	}
-	if i > 1 && i < len(data) && data[i] == '@' {
-		if j = isMailtoAutoLink(data[i:]); j != 0 {
-			return emailAutolink, i + j
-		}
-	}
-	if i > 2 && i < len(data) && data[i] == ':' {
-		autolink = normalAutolink
-		i++
-	}
-	// complete autolink test: no whitespace or ' or "
-	switch {
-	case i >= len(data):
-		autolink = notAutolink
-	case autolink != notAutolink:
-		j = i
-		for i < len(data) {
-			if data[i] == '\\' {
-				i += 2
-			} else if data[i] == '>' || data[i] == '\'' || data[i] == '"' || isspace(data[i]) {
-				break
-			} else {
-				i++
-			}
-		}
-		if i >= len(data) {
-			return autolink, 0
-		}
-		if i > j && data[i] == '>' {
-			return autolink, i + 1
-		}
-		// one of the forbidden chars has been found
-		autolink = notAutolink
-	}
-	i += bytes.IndexByte(data[i:], '>')
-	if i < 0 {
-		return autolink, 0
-	}
-	return autolink, i + 1
-// look for the address part of a mail autolink and '>'
-// this is less strict than the original markdown e-mail address matching
-func isMailtoAutoLink(data []byte) int {
-	nb := 0
-	// address is assumed to be: [-@._a-zA-Z0-9]+ with exactly one '@'
-	for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
-		if isalnum(data[i]) {
-			continue
-		}
-		switch data[i] {
-		case '@':
-			nb++
-		case '-', '.', '_':
-			break
-		case '>':
-			if nb == 1 {
-				return i + 1
-			}
-			return 0
-		default:
-			return 0
-		}
-	}
-	return 0
-// look for the next emph char, skipping other constructs
-func helperFindEmphChar(data []byte, c byte) int {
-	i := 0
-	for i < len(data) {
-		for i < len(data) && data[i] != c && data[i] != '`' && data[i] != '[' {
-			i++
-		}
-		if i >= len(data) {
-			return 0
-		}
-		// do not count escaped chars
-		if i != 0 && data[i-1] == '\\' {
-			i++
-			continue
-		}
-		if data[i] == c {
-			return i
-		}
-		if data[i] == '`' {
-			// skip a code span
-			tmpI := 0
-			i++
-			for i < len(data) && data[i] != '`' {
-				if tmpI == 0 && data[i] == c {
-					tmpI = i
-				}
-				i++
-			}
-			if i >= len(data) {
-				return tmpI
-			}
-			i++
-		} else if data[i] == '[' {
-			// skip a link
-			tmpI := 0
-			i++
-			for i < len(data) && data[i] != ']' {
-				if tmpI == 0 && data[i] == c {
-					tmpI = i
-				}
-				i++
-			}
-			i++
-			for i < len(data) && (data[i] == ' ' || data[i] == '\n') {
-				i++
-			}
-			if i >= len(data) {
-				return tmpI
-			}
-			if data[i] != '[' && data[i] != '(' { // not a link
-				if tmpI > 0 {
-					return tmpI
-				}
-				continue
-			}
-			cc := data[i]
-			i++
-			for i < len(data) && data[i] != cc {
-				if tmpI == 0 && data[i] == c {
-					return i
-				}
-				i++
-			}
-			if i >= len(data) {
-				return tmpI
-			}
-			i++
-		}
-	}
-	return 0
-func helperEmphasis(p *Markdown, data []byte, c byte) (int, *Node) {
-	i := 0
-	// skip one symbol if coming from emph3
-	if len(data) > 1 && data[0] == c && data[1] == c {
-		i = 1
-	}
-	for i < len(data) {
-		length := helperFindEmphChar(data[i:], c)
-		if length == 0 {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		i += length
-		if i >= len(data) {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		if i+1 < len(data) && data[i+1] == c {
-			i++
-			continue
-		}
-		if data[i] == c && !isspace(data[i-1]) {
-			if p.extensions&NoIntraEmphasis != 0 {
-				if !(i+1 == len(data) || isspace(data[i+1]) || ispunct(data[i+1])) {
-					continue
-				}
-			}
-			emph := NewNode(Emph)
-			p.inline(emph, data[:i])
-			return i + 1, emph
-		}
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-func helperDoubleEmphasis(p *Markdown, data []byte, c byte) (int, *Node) {
-	i := 0
-	for i < len(data) {
-		length := helperFindEmphChar(data[i:], c)
-		if length == 0 {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		i += length
-		if i+1 < len(data) && data[i] == c && data[i+1] == c && i > 0 && !isspace(data[i-1]) {
-			nodeType := Strong
-			if c == '~' {
-				nodeType = Del
-			}
-			node := NewNode(nodeType)
-			p.inline(node, data[:i])
-			return i + 2, node
-		}
-		i++
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-func helperTripleEmphasis(p *Markdown, data []byte, offset int, c byte) (int, *Node) {
-	i := 0
-	origData := data
-	data = data[offset:]
-	for i < len(data) {
-		length := helperFindEmphChar(data[i:], c)
-		if length == 0 {
-			return 0, nil
-		}
-		i += length
-		// skip whitespace preceded symbols
-		if data[i] != c || isspace(data[i-1]) {
-			continue
-		}
-		switch {
-		case i+2 < len(data) && data[i+1] == c && data[i+2] == c:
-			// triple symbol found
-			strong := NewNode(Strong)
-			em := NewNode(Emph)
-			strong.AppendChild(em)
-			p.inline(em, data[:i])
-			return i + 3, strong
-		case (i+1 < len(data) && data[i+1] == c):
-			// double symbol found, hand over to emph1
-			length, node := helperEmphasis(p, origData[offset-2:], c)
-			if length == 0 {
-				return 0, nil
-			}
-			return length - 2, node
-		default:
-			// single symbol found, hand over to emph2
-			length, node := helperDoubleEmphasis(p, origData[offset-1:], c)
-			if length == 0 {
-				return 0, nil
-			}
-			return length - 1, node
-		}
-	}
-	return 0, nil
-func text(s []byte) *Node {
-	node := NewNode(Text)
-	node.Literal = s
-	return node
-func normalizeURI(s []byte) []byte {
-	return s // TODO: implement