changeset 0 5abace724584
child 18 7a4b57b3e66a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5abace724584
     1 // Copyright © 2017 Mikael Berthe <>
     2 //
     3 // Licensed under the MIT license.
     4 // Please see the LICENSE file is this directory.
     6 package printer
     8 import (
     9 	"fmt"
    10 	"io"
    11 	"os"
    12 	"reflect"
    13 	"time"
    15 	""
    17 	""
    18 )
    20 // PlainPrinter is the default "plain text" printer
    21 type PlainPrinter struct {
    22 	Indent      string
    23 	NoSubtitles bool
    24 }
    26 // NewPrinterPlain returns a plaintext ResourcePrinter
    27 // For PlainPrinter, the option parameter contains the indent prefix.
    28 func NewPrinterPlain(option string) (*PlainPrinter, error) {
    29 	indentInc := "  "
    30 	if option != "" {
    31 		indentInc = option
    32 	}
    33 	return &PlainPrinter{Indent: indentInc}, nil
    34 }
    36 // PrintObj sends the object as text to the writer
    37 // If the writer w is nil, standard output will be used.
    38 // For PlainPrinter, the option parameter contains the initial indent.
    39 func (p *PlainPrinter) PrintObj(obj interface{}, w io.Writer, initialIndent string) error {
    40 	if w == nil {
    41 		w = os.Stdout
    42 	}
    43 	switch o := obj.(type) {
    44 	case []madon.Account, []madon.Attachment, []madon.Card, []madon.Context,
    45 		[]madon.Instance, []madon.Mention, []madon.Notification,
    46 		[]madon.Relationship, []madon.Report, []madon.Results,
    47 		[]madon.Status, []madon.StreamEvent, []madon.Tag:
    48 		return p.plainForeach(o, w, initialIndent)
    49 	case *madon.Account:
    50 		return p.plainPrintAccount(o, w, initialIndent)
    51 	case madon.Account:
    52 		return p.plainPrintAccount(&o, w, initialIndent)
    53 	case *madon.Attachment:
    54 		return p.plainPrintAttachment(o, w, initialIndent)
    55 	case madon.Attachment:
    56 		return p.plainPrintAttachment(&o, w, initialIndent)
    57 	case *madon.Card:
    58 		return p.plainPrintCard(o, w, initialIndent)
    59 	case madon.Card:
    60 		return p.plainPrintCard(&o, w, initialIndent)
    61 	case *madon.Context:
    62 		return p.plainPrintContext(o, w, initialIndent)
    63 	case madon.Context:
    64 		return p.plainPrintContext(&o, w, initialIndent)
    65 	case *madon.Instance:
    66 		return p.plainPrintInstance(o, w, initialIndent)
    67 	case madon.Instance:
    68 		return p.plainPrintInstance(&o, w, initialIndent)
    69 	case *madon.Notification:
    70 		return p.plainPrintNotification(o, w, initialIndent)
    71 	case madon.Notification:
    72 		return p.plainPrintNotification(&o, w, initialIndent)
    73 	case *madon.Relationship:
    74 		return p.plainPrintRelationship(o, w, initialIndent)
    75 	case madon.Relationship:
    76 		return p.plainPrintRelationship(&o, w, initialIndent)
    77 	case *madon.Report:
    78 		return p.plainPrintReport(o, w, initialIndent)
    79 	case madon.Report:
    80 		return p.plainPrintReport(&o, w, initialIndent)
    81 	case *madon.Results:
    82 		return p.plainPrintResults(o, w, initialIndent)
    83 	case madon.Results:
    84 		return p.plainPrintResults(&o, w, initialIndent)
    85 	case *madon.Status:
    86 		return p.plainPrintStatus(o, w, initialIndent)
    87 	case madon.Status:
    88 		return p.plainPrintStatus(&o, w, initialIndent)
    89 	case *madon.UserToken:
    90 		return p.plainPrintUserToken(o, w, initialIndent)
    91 	case madon.UserToken:
    92 		return p.plainPrintUserToken(&o, w, initialIndent)
    93 	}
    94 	// TODO: Mention
    95 	// TODO: StreamEvent
    96 	// TODO: Tag
    98 	return fmt.Errorf("PlainPrinter not yet implemented for %T (try json or yaml...)", obj)
    99 }
   101 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainForeach(ol interface{}, w io.Writer, ii string) error {
   102 	switch reflect.TypeOf(ol).Kind() {
   103 	case reflect.Slice:
   104 		s := reflect.ValueOf(ol)
   106 		for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
   107 			o := s.Index(i).Interface()
   108 			if err := p.PrintObj(o, w, ii); err != nil {
   109 				return err
   110 			}
   111 		}
   112 	}
   113 	return nil
   114 }
   116 func html2string(h string) string {
   117 	t, err := html2text.FromString(h)
   118 	if err == nil {
   119 		return t
   120 	}
   121 	return h // Failed: return initial string
   122 }
   124 func indentedPrint(w io.Writer, indent string, title, skipIfEmpty bool, label string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
   125 	prefix := indent
   126 	if title {
   127 		prefix += "- "
   128 	} else {
   129 		prefix += "  "
   130 	}
   131 	value := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
   132 	if !title && skipIfEmpty && len(value) == 0 {
   133 		return
   134 	}
   135 	fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%s: %s\n", prefix, label, value)
   136 }
   138 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintAccount(a *madon.Account, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   139 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Account ID", "%d (%s)", a.ID, a.Username)
   140 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "User ID", "%s", a.Acct)
   141 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Display name", "%s", a.DisplayName)
   142 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Creation date", "%v", a.CreatedAt.Local())
   143 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "URL", "%s", a.URL)
   144 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Statuses count", "%d", a.StatusesCount)
   145 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Followers count", "%d", a.FollowersCount)
   146 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Following count", "%d", a.FollowingCount)
   147 	if a.Locked {
   148 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Locked", "%v", a.Locked)
   149 	}
   150 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "User note", "%s", html2string(a.Note)) // XXX too long?
   151 	return nil
   152 }
   154 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintAttachment(a *madon.Attachment, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   155 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Attachment ID", "%d", a.ID)
   156 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Type", "%s", a.Type)
   157 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Local URL", "%s", a.URL)
   158 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Remote URL", "%s", a.RemoteURL)
   159 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Preview URL", "%s", a.PreviewURL)
   160 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Text URL", "%s", a.PreviewURL)
   161 	return nil
   162 }
   164 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintCard(c *madon.Card, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   165 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Card title", "%s", c.Title)
   166 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Description", "%s", c.Description)
   167 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "URL", "%s", c.URL)
   168 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Image", "%s", c.Image)
   169 	return nil
   170 }
   172 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintContext(c *madon.Context, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   173 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Context", "%d relative(s)", len(c.Ancestors)+len(c.Descendents))
   174 	if len(c.Ancestors) > 0 {
   175 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Ancestors", "")
   176 		p.PrintObj(c.Ancestors, w, indent+p.Indent)
   177 	}
   178 	if len(c.Descendents) > 0 {
   179 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Descendents", "")
   180 		p.PrintObj(c.Descendents, w, indent+p.Indent)
   181 	}
   182 	return nil
   183 }
   185 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintInstance(i *madon.Instance, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   186 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Instance title", "%s", i.Title)
   187 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Description", "%s", html2string(i.Description))
   188 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "URL", "%s", i.URI)
   189 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Email", "%s", i.Email)
   190 	return nil
   191 }
   193 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintNotification(n *madon.Notification, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   194 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Notification ID", "%d", n.ID)
   195 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Type", "%s", n.Type)
   196 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Timestamp", "%v", n.CreatedAt.Local())
   197 	if n.Account != nil {
   198 		indentedPrint(w, indent+p.Indent, true, false, "Account", "(%d) @%s - %s",
   199 			n.Account.ID, n.Account.Acct, n.Account.DisplayName)
   200 	}
   201 	if n.Status != nil {
   202 		p.plainPrintStatus(n.Status, w, indent+p.Indent)
   203 	}
   204 	return nil
   205 }
   207 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintRelationship(r *madon.Relationship, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   208 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "ID", "%d", r.ID)
   209 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Following", "%v", r.Following)
   210 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Followed-by", "%v", r.FollowedBy)
   211 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Blocking", "%v", r.Blocking)
   212 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Muting", "%v", r.Muting)
   213 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Requested", "%v", r.Requested)
   214 	return nil
   215 }
   217 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintReport(r *madon.Report, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   218 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Report ID", "%d", r.ID)
   219 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Action taken", "%s", r.ActionTaken)
   220 	return nil
   221 }
   223 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintResults(r *madon.Results, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   224 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Results", "%d account(s), %d status(es), %d hashtag(s)",
   225 		len(r.Accounts), len(r.Statuses), len(r.Hashtags))
   226 	if len(r.Accounts) > 0 {
   227 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Accounts", "")
   228 		p.PrintObj(r.Accounts, w, indent+p.Indent)
   229 	}
   230 	if len(r.Statuses) > 0 {
   231 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Statuses", "")
   232 		p.PrintObj(r.Statuses, w, indent+p.Indent)
   233 	}
   234 	if len(r.Hashtags) > 0 {
   235 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Hashtags", "")
   236 		for _, tag := range r.Hashtags {
   237 			indentedPrint(w, indent+p.Indent, true, false, "Tag", "%s", tag)
   238 		}
   239 	}
   240 	return nil
   241 }
   243 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintStatus(s *madon.Status, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   244 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "Status ID", "%d", s.ID)
   245 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "From", "%s", s.Account.Acct)
   246 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Timestamp", "%v", s.CreatedAt.Local())
   248 	if s.Reblog != nil {
   249 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Reblogged from", "%s", s.Reblog.Account.Username)
   250 		return p.plainPrintStatus(s.Reblog, w, indent+p.Indent)
   251 	}
   253 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Contents", "%s", html2string(s.Content))
   254 	if s.InReplyToID > 0 {
   255 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "In-Reply-To", "%d", s.InReplyToID)
   256 	}
   257 	if s.Reblogged {
   258 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "Reblogged", "%v", s.Reblogged)
   259 	}
   260 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, false, "URL", "%s", s.URL)
   261 	return nil
   262 }
   264 func (p *PlainPrinter) plainPrintUserToken(s *madon.UserToken, w io.Writer, indent string) error {
   265 	indentedPrint(w, indent, true, false, "User token", "%s", s.AccessToken)
   266 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Type", "%s", s.TokenType)
   267 	if s.CreatedAt != 0 {
   268 		indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Timestamp", "%v", time.Unix(int64(s.CreatedAt), 0))
   269 	}
   270 	indentedPrint(w, indent, false, true, "Scope", "%s", s.Scope)
   271 	return nil
   272 }