changeset 0 5abace724584
child 13 f862af8faf17
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5abace724584
     1 // Copyright © 2017 Mikael Berthe <>
     2 //
     3 // Licensed under the MIT license.
     4 // Please see the LICENSE file is this directory.
     6 package cmd
     8 import (
     9 	"errors"
    10 	"strings"
    12 	""
    14 	""
    15 )
    17 var statusOpts struct {
    18 	statusID int
    19 	unset    bool
    21 	// The following fields are used for the post/toot command
    22 	visibility  string
    23 	sensitive   bool
    24 	spoiler     string
    25 	inReplyToID int
    26 	filePath    string
    27 	mediaIDs    string
    29 	// TODO
    30 	limit int
    31 }
    33 func init() {
    34 	RootCmd.AddCommand(statusCmd)
    36 	// Subcommands
    37 	statusCmd.AddCommand(statusSubcommands...)
    39 	// Global flags
    40 	statusCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&statusOpts.statusID, "status-id", "s", 0, "Status ID number")
    41 	//statusCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&statusOpts.limit, "limit", "l", 0, "Limit number of results")
    43 	statusCmd.MarkPersistentFlagRequired("status-id")
    45 	// Subcommand flags
    46 	statusReblogSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&statusOpts.unset, "unset", false, "Unreblog the status")
    47 	statusFavouriteSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&statusOpts.unset, "unset", false, "Remove the status from the favourites")
    48 	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&statusOpts.sensitive, "sensitive", false, "Mark post as sensitive (NSFW)")
    49 	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&statusOpts.visibility, "visibility", "", "Visibility (direct|private|unlisted|public)")
    50 	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&statusOpts.spoiler, "spoiler", "", "Spoiler warning (CW)")
    51 	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&statusOpts.mediaIDs, "media-ids", "", "Comma-separated list of media IDs")
    52 	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().StringVarP(&statusOpts.filePath, "file", "f", "", "File name")
    53 	statusPostSubcommand.Flags().IntVarP(&statusOpts.inReplyToID, "in-reply-to", "r", 0, "Status ID to reply to")
    54 }
    56 // statusCmd represents the status command
    57 // This command does nothing without a subcommand
    58 var statusCmd = &cobra.Command{
    59 	Use:     "status --status-id ID subcommand",
    60 	Aliases: []string{"st"},
    61 	Short:   "Get status details",
    62 	//Long:    `TBW...`, // TODO
    63 	PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    64 		// This is common to status and all status subcommands but "post"
    65 		if statusOpts.statusID < 1 && cmd.Name() != "post" {
    66 			return errors.New("missing status ID")
    67 		}
    68 		if err := madonInit(true); err != nil {
    69 			return err
    70 		}
    71 		return nil
    72 	},
    73 }
    75 var statusSubcommands = []*cobra.Command{
    76 	&cobra.Command{
    77 		Use:     "show",
    78 		Aliases: []string{"display"},
    79 		Short:   "Get the status",
    80 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    81 			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
    82 		},
    83 	},
    84 	&cobra.Command{
    85 		Use:   "context",
    86 		Short: "Get the status context",
    87 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    88 			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
    89 		},
    90 	},
    91 	&cobra.Command{
    92 		Use:   "card",
    93 		Short: "Get the status card",
    94 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    95 			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
    96 		},
    97 	},
    98 	&cobra.Command{
    99 		Use:   "reblogged-by",
   100 		Short: "Display accounts which reblogged the status",
   101 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   102 			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   103 		},
   104 	},
   105 	&cobra.Command{
   106 		Use:     "favourited-by",
   107 		Aliases: []string{"favorited-by"},
   108 		Short:   "Display accounts which favourited the status",
   109 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   110 			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   111 		},
   112 	},
   113 	&cobra.Command{
   114 		Use:     "delete",
   115 		Aliases: []string{"rm"},
   116 		Short:   "Delete the status",
   117 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   118 			return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   119 		},
   120 	},
   121 	statusReblogSubcommand,
   122 	statusFavouriteSubcommand,
   123 	statusPostSubcommand,
   124 }
   126 var statusReblogSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   127 	Use:     "boost",
   128 	Aliases: []string{"reblog"},
   129 	Short:   "Boost (reblog) or unreblog the status",
   130 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   131 		return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   132 	},
   133 }
   135 var statusFavouriteSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   136 	Use:     "favourite",
   137 	Aliases: []string{"favorite", "fave"},
   138 	Short:   "Mark/unmark the status as favourite",
   139 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   140 		return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   141 	},
   142 }
   144 var statusPostSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   145 	Use:     "post",
   146 	Aliases: []string{"toot", "pouet"},
   147 	Short:   "Post a message (same as 'madonctl toot')",
   148 	Example: `  madonctl status post --spoiler Warning "Hello, World"
   149   madonctl status toot --sensitive --file image.jpg Image
   150   madonctl status post --media-ids ID1,ID2,ID3 Image`,
   151 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   152 		return statusSubcommandRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   153 	},
   154 }
   156 func statusSubcommandRunE(subcmd string, args []string) error {
   157 	opt := statusOpts
   159 	var obj interface{}
   160 	var err error
   162 	switch subcmd {
   163 	case "show":
   164 		var status *madon.Status
   165 		status, err = gClient.GetStatus(opt.statusID)
   166 		obj = status
   167 	case "context":
   168 		var context *madon.Context
   169 		context, err = gClient.GetStatusContext(opt.statusID)
   170 		obj = context
   171 	case "card":
   172 		var context *madon.Card
   173 		context, err = gClient.GetStatusCard(opt.statusID)
   174 		obj = context
   175 	case "reblogged-by":
   176 		var accountList []madon.Account
   177 		accountList, err = gClient.GetStatusRebloggedBy(opt.statusID)
   178 		obj = accountList
   179 	case "favourited-by":
   180 		var accountList []madon.Account
   181 		accountList, err = gClient.GetStatusFavouritedBy(opt.statusID)
   182 		obj = accountList
   183 	case "delete":
   184 		err = gClient.DeleteStatus(opt.statusID)
   185 	case "boost":
   186 		if opt.unset {
   187 			err = gClient.UnreblogStatus(opt.statusID)
   188 		} else {
   189 			err = gClient.ReblogStatus(opt.statusID)
   190 		}
   191 	case "favourite":
   192 		if opt.unset {
   193 			err = gClient.UnfavouriteStatus(opt.statusID)
   194 		} else {
   195 			err = gClient.FavouriteStatus(opt.statusID)
   196 		}
   197 	case "post": // toot
   198 		var s *madon.Status
   199 		s, err = toot(strings.Join(args, " "))
   200 		obj = s
   201 	default:
   202 		return errors.New("statusSubcommand: internal error")
   203 	}
   205 	if err != nil {
   206 		errPrint("Error: %s", err.Error())
   207 		return nil
   208 	}
   209 	if obj == nil {
   210 		return nil
   211 	}
   213 	p, err := getPrinter()
   214 	if err != nil {
   215 		return err
   216 	}
   217 	return p.PrintObj(obj, nil, "")
   218 }