changeset 0 5abace724584
child 6 5228e517c455
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5abace724584
     1 // Copyright © 2017 Mikael Berthe <>
     2 //
     3 // Licensed under the MIT license.
     4 // Please see the LICENSE file is this directory.
     6 package cmd
     8 import (
     9 	"errors"
    10 	"strings"
    12 	""
    14 	""
    15 )
    17 var accountsOpts struct {
    18 	accountID                 int
    19 	unset                     bool // TODO remove eventually?
    20 	limit                     int
    21 	onlyMedia, excludeReplies bool   // For acccount statuses
    22 	remoteUID                 string // For account follow
    23 	acceptFR, rejectFR        bool   // For account follow_requests
    24 	list                      bool   // For account follow_requests/reports
    25 	accountIDs                string // For account relationships
    26 	statusIDs                 string // For account reports
    27 	comment                   string // For account reports
    28 	show                      bool   // For account reports
    29 }
    31 func init() {
    32 	RootCmd.AddCommand(accountsCmd)
    34 	// Subcommands
    35 	accountsCmd.AddCommand(accountSubcommands...)
    37 	// Global flags
    38 	accountsCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&accountsOpts.accountID, "account-id", "a", 0, "Account ID number")
    39 	//accountsCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&accountsOpts.limit, "limit", "l", 0, "Limit number of results")
    41 	// Subcommand flags
    42 	accountStatusesSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&accountsOpts.onlyMedia, "only-media", false, "Only statuses with media attachments")
    43 	accountStatusesSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&accountsOpts.excludeReplies, "exclude-replies", false, "Exclude replies to other statuses")
    45 	accountFollowRequestsSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&accountsOpts.list, "list", false, "List pending follow requests")
    46 	accountFollowRequestsSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&accountsOpts.acceptFR, "accept", false, "Accept the follow request from the account ID")
    47 	accountFollowRequestsSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&accountsOpts.rejectFR, "reject", false, "Reject the follow request from the account ID")
    49 	accountBlockSubcommand.Flags().BoolVarP(&accountsOpts.unset, "unset", "", false, "Unblock the account")
    50 	accountMuteSubcommand.Flags().BoolVarP(&accountsOpts.unset, "unset", "", false, "Unmute the account")
    51 	accountFollowSubcommand.Flags().BoolVarP(&accountsOpts.unset, "unset", "", false, "Unfollow the account")
    52 	accountFollowSubcommand.Flags().StringVarP(&accountsOpts.remoteUID, "remote", "r", "", "Follow remote account (user@domain)")
    54 	accountRelationshipsSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&accountsOpts.accountIDs, "account-ids", "", "Comma-separated list of account IDs")
    56 	accountReportsSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&accountsOpts.statusIDs, "status-ids", "", "Comma-separated list of status IDs")
    57 	accountReportsSubcommand.Flags().StringVar(&accountsOpts.comment, "comment", "", "Report comment")
    58 	accountReportsSubcommand.Flags().BoolVar(&accountsOpts.list, "list", false, "List current user reports")
    59 }
    61 // accountsCmd represents the accounts command
    62 // This command does nothing without a subcommand
    63 var accountsCmd = &cobra.Command{
    64 	Use:     "accounts [--account-id ID] subcommand",
    65 	Aliases: []string{"account"},
    66 	Short:   "Account-related functions",
    67 	//Long:    `TBW...`, // TODO
    68 	//PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {},
    69 }
    71 // Note: Some account subcommands are not defined in this file.
    72 var accountSubcommands = []*cobra.Command{
    73 	&cobra.Command{
    74 		Use: "show",
    75 		Long: `Displays the details about the requested account.
    76 If no account ID is specified, the current user account is used.`,
    77 		Aliases: []string{"display"},
    78 		Short:   "Display the account",
    79 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    80 			return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
    81 		},
    82 	},
    83 	&cobra.Command{
    84 		Use:   "followers",
    85 		Short: "Display the accounts following the specified account",
    86 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    87 			return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
    88 		},
    89 	},
    90 	&cobra.Command{
    91 		Use:   "following",
    92 		Short: "Display the accounts followed by the specified account",
    93 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    94 			return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
    95 		},
    96 	},
    97 	&cobra.Command{
    98 		Use:     "favourites",
    99 		Aliases: []string{"favorites", "favourited", "favorited"},
   100 		Short:   "Display the user's favourites",
   101 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   102 			return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   103 		},
   104 	},
   105 	&cobra.Command{
   106 		Use:     "blocks",
   107 		Aliases: []string{"blocked"},
   108 		Short:   "Display the user's blocked accounts",
   109 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   110 			return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   111 		},
   112 	},
   113 	&cobra.Command{
   114 		Use:     "mutes",
   115 		Aliases: []string{"muted"},
   116 		Short:   "Display the user's muted accounts",
   117 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   118 			return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   119 		},
   120 	},
   121 	&cobra.Command{
   122 		Use:   "search TEXT",
   123 		Short: "Search for user accounts",
   124 		Long: `Search for user accounts.
   125 The server will lookup an account remotely if the search term is in the
   126 username@domain format and not yet in the database.`,
   127 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   128 			return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   129 		},
   130 	},
   131 	accountStatusesSubcommand,
   132 	accountFollowRequestsSubcommand,
   133 	accountFollowSubcommand,
   134 	accountBlockSubcommand,
   135 	accountMuteSubcommand,
   136 	accountRelationshipsSubcommand,
   137 	accountReportsSubcommand,
   138 }
   140 var accountStatusesSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   141 	Use:     "statuses",
   142 	Aliases: []string{"st"},
   143 	Short:   "Display the account statuses",
   144 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   145 		return accountSubcommandsRunE(cmd.Name(), args)
   146 	},
   147 }
   149 var accountFollowRequestsSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   150 	Use:     "follow-requests",
   151 	Aliases: []string{"follow-request", "fr"},
   152 	Example: `  madonctl accounts follow-requests --list
   153   madonctl accounts follow-requests --account-id X --accept
   154   madonctl accounts follow-requests --account-id Y --reject`,
   155 	Short: "List, accept or deny a follow request",
   156 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   157 		return accountSubcommandsRunE("follow-requests", args)
   158 	},
   159 }
   160 var accountFollowSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   161 	Use:   "follow",
   162 	Short: "Follow or unfollow the account",
   163 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   164 		return accountSubcommandsRunE("follow", args)
   165 	},
   166 }
   168 var accountBlockSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   169 	Use:   "block",
   170 	Short: "Block or unblock the account",
   171 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   172 		return accountSubcommandsRunE("block", args)
   173 	},
   174 }
   176 var accountMuteSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   177 	Use:   "mute",
   178 	Short: "Mute or unmute the account",
   179 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   180 		return accountSubcommandsRunE("mute", args)
   181 	},
   182 }
   184 var accountRelationshipsSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   185 	Use:   "relationships --account-ids ACC1,ACC2...",
   186 	Short: "List relationships with the accounts",
   187 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   188 		return accountSubcommandsRunE("relationships", args)
   189 	},
   190 }
   192 var accountReportsSubcommand = &cobra.Command{
   193 	Use:   "reports",
   194 	Short: "List reports or report a user account",
   195 	Example: `  madonctl accounts reports --list
   196   madonctl accounts reports --account-id ACCOUNT --status-ids ID... --comment TEXT`,
   197 	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
   198 		return accountSubcommandsRunE("reports", args)
   199 	},
   200 }
   202 // accountSubcommandsRunE is a generic function for status subcommands
   203 func accountSubcommandsRunE(subcmd string, args []string) error {
   204 	opt := accountsOpts
   206 	switch subcmd {
   207 	case "show", "search":
   208 		// These subcommands do not require an account ID
   209 	case "favourites", "blocks", "mutes":
   210 		// Those subcommands can not use an account ID
   211 		if opt.accountID > 0 {
   212 			return errors.New("useless account ID")
   213 		}
   214 	case "follow":
   215 		if opt.accountID < 1 && opt.remoteUID == "" {
   216 			return errors.New("missing account ID or URI")
   217 		}
   218 		if opt.accountID > 0 && opt.remoteUID != "" {
   219 			return errors.New("cannot use both account ID and URI")
   220 		}
   221 		if opt.unset && opt.accountID < 1 {
   222 			return errors.New("unfollowing requires an account ID")
   223 		}
   224 	case "follow-requests":
   225 		if opt.list {
   226 			if opt.acceptFR || opt.rejectFR {
   227 				return errors.New("incompatible options")
   228 			}
   229 		} else {
   230 			if !opt.acceptFR && !opt.rejectFR { // No flag
   231 				return errors.New("missing parameter (--list, --accept or --reject)")
   232 			}
   233 			// This is a FR reply
   234 			if opt.acceptFR && opt.rejectFR {
   235 				return errors.New("incompatible options")
   236 			}
   237 			if opt.accountID < 1 {
   238 				return errors.New("missing account ID")
   239 			}
   240 		}
   241 	case "relationships":
   242 		if opt.accountID < 1 && len(opt.accountIDs) == 0 {
   243 			return errors.New("missing account IDs")
   244 		}
   245 		if opt.accountID > 0 && len(opt.accountIDs) > 0 {
   246 			return errors.New("incompatible options")
   247 		}
   248 	case "reports":
   249 		if opt.list {
   250 			break // No argument needed
   251 		}
   252 		if opt.accountID < 1 || len(opt.statusIDs) == 0 || opt.comment == "" {
   253 			return errors.New("missing parameter")
   254 		}
   255 	default:
   256 		// The other subcommands here require an account ID
   257 		if opt.accountID < 1 {
   258 			return errors.New("missing account ID")
   259 		}
   260 	}
   262 	// All account subcommands need to have signed in
   263 	if err := madonInit(true); err != nil {
   264 		return err
   265 	}
   267 	var obj interface{}
   268 	var err error
   270 	switch subcmd {
   271 	case "show":
   272 		var account *madon.Account
   273 		if opt.accountID > 0 {
   274 			account, err = gClient.GetAccount(opt.accountID)
   275 		} else {
   276 			account, err = gClient.GetCurrentAccount()
   277 		}
   278 		obj = account
   279 	case "search":
   280 		var accountList []madon.Account
   281 		limit := 0 // TODO use a global flag
   282 		accountList, err = gClient.SearchAccounts(strings.Join(args, " "), limit)
   283 		obj = accountList
   284 	case "followers":
   285 		var accountList []madon.Account
   286 		accountList, err = gClient.GetAccountFollowers(opt.accountID)
   287 		obj = accountList
   288 	case "following":
   289 		var accountList []madon.Account
   290 		accountList, err = gClient.GetAccountFollowing(opt.accountID)
   291 		obj = accountList
   292 	case "statuses":
   293 		var statusList []madon.Status
   294 		statusList, err = gClient.GetAccountStatuses(opt.accountID, opt.onlyMedia, opt.excludeReplies)
   295 		obj = statusList
   296 	case "follow":
   297 		if opt.unset {
   298 			err = gClient.UnfollowAccount(opt.accountID)
   299 		} else {
   300 			if opt.accountID > 0 {
   301 				err = gClient.FollowAccount(opt.accountID)
   302 			} else {
   303 				var account *madon.Account
   304 				account, err = gClient.FollowRemoteAccount(opt.remoteUID)
   305 				obj = account
   306 			}
   307 		}
   308 	case "follow-requests":
   309 		if opt.list {
   310 			var followRequests []madon.Account
   311 			followRequests, err = gClient.GetAccountFollowRequests()
   312 			obj = followRequests
   313 		} else {
   314 			err = gClient.FollowRequestAuthorize(opt.accountID, !opt.rejectFR)
   315 		}
   316 	case "block":
   317 		if opt.unset {
   318 			err = gClient.UnblockAccount(opt.accountID)
   319 		} else {
   320 			err = gClient.BlockAccount(opt.accountID)
   321 		}
   322 	case "mute":
   323 		if opt.unset {
   324 			err = gClient.UnmuteAccount(opt.accountID)
   325 		} else {
   326 			err = gClient.MuteAccount(opt.accountID)
   327 		}
   328 	case "favourites":
   329 		var statusList []madon.Status
   330 		statusList, err = gClient.GetFavourites()
   331 		obj = statusList
   332 	case "blocks":
   333 		var accountList []madon.Account
   334 		accountList, err = gClient.GetBlockedAccounts()
   335 		obj = accountList
   336 	case "mutes":
   337 		var accountList []madon.Account
   338 		accountList, err = gClient.GetMutedAccounts()
   339 		obj = accountList
   340 	case "relationships":
   341 		var ids []int
   342 		ids, err = splitIDs(opt.accountIDs)
   343 		if err != nil {
   344 			return errors.New("cannot parse account IDs")
   345 		}
   346 		if opt.accountID > 0 { // Allow --account-id
   347 			ids = []int{opt.accountID}
   348 		}
   349 		if len(ids) < 1 {
   350 			return errors.New("missing account IDs")
   351 		}
   352 		var relationships []madon.Relationship
   353 		relationships, err = gClient.GetAccountRelationships(ids)
   354 		obj = relationships
   355 	case "reports":
   356 		if opt.list {
   357 			var reports []madon.Report
   358 			reports, err = gClient.GetReports()
   359 			obj = reports
   360 			break
   361 		}
   362 		// Send a report
   363 		var ids []int
   364 		ids, err = splitIDs(opt.statusIDs)
   365 		if err != nil {
   366 			return errors.New("cannot parse status IDs")
   367 		}
   368 		if len(ids) < 1 {
   369 			return errors.New("missing status IDs")
   370 		}
   371 		var report *madon.Report
   372 		report, err = gClient.ReportUser(opt.accountID, ids, opt.comment)
   373 		obj = report
   374 	default:
   375 		return errors.New("accountSubcommand: internal error")
   376 	}
   378 	if err != nil {
   379 		errPrint("Error: %s", err.Error())
   380 		return nil
   381 	}
   382 	if obj == nil {
   383 		return nil
   384 	}
   386 	p, err := getPrinter()
   387 	if err != nil {
   388 		return err
   389 	}
   390 	return p.PrintObj(obj, nil, "")
   391 }