author Mikael Berthe <>
Fri, 07 Sep 2018 19:17:12 +0200
changeset 243 7386c6a454a8
parent 238 1c0042e76902
child 259 f807b8fb46c6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Change the way parameter lists are handled internally Instead of trying to guess if a query key is a list (to strip the index number, since Rails expects list IDs without index number), we prefix the key name with the index when dealing with lists. E.g.: [0]ids: "one" [1]ids: "two" will be sent as ids[]=one&ids[]=two It makes it more reliable and let us differenciate between arrays and objects (objects are untouched and sent as-is).

Copyright 2017-2018 Mikael Berthe
Copyright 2017 Ollivier Robert

Licensed under the MIT license.  Please see the LICENSE file is this directory.

package madon

import (

// LimitParams contains common limit/paging options for the Mastodon REST API
type LimitParams struct {
	Limit          int   // Number of items per query
	SinceID, MaxID int64 // Boundaries
	All            bool  // Get as many items as possible

// apiCallParams is a map with the parameters for an API call
type apiCallParams map[string]string

const (
	// MadonVersion contains the version of the Madon library
	MadonVersion = "2.4.0-dev"

	currentAPIPath = "/api"

	// NoRedirect is the URI for no redirection in the App registration
	NoRedirect = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"

// Error codes
var (
	ErrUninitializedClient = errors.New("use of uninitialized madon client")
	ErrAlreadyRegistered   = errors.New("app already registered")
	ErrEntityNotFound      = errors.New("entity not found")
	ErrInvalidParameter    = errors.New("incorrect parameter")
	ErrInvalidID           = errors.New("incorrect entity ID")