author Mikael Berthe <>
Mon, 17 Apr 2017 12:07:44 +0200
changeset 131 68ef6504637e
parent 130 c450bb73f59a
child 132 639bbcddb4fe
permissions -rw-r--r--
Introduce RestoreApp(), bump library version RestoreApp() lets the client provide an existing application ID/Secret pair. The library no longer falls back to, an instance name is required. The version is bumped to 0.1 (we have something that works!).

Copyright 2017 Mikael Berthe

Licensed under the MIT license.  Please see the LICENSE file is this directory.

package gondole

import (


// getAccountsOptions contains option fields for POST and DELETE API calls
type getAccountsOptions struct {
	// The ID is used for most commands
	ID int

	// The following fields are used when searching for accounts
	Q     string
	Limit int

// getSingleAccount returns an account entity
// The operation 'op' can be "account", "verify_credentials", "follow",
// "unfollow", "block", "unblock", "mute", "unmute",
// "follow_requests/authorize" or // "follow_requests/reject".
// The id is optional and depends on the operation.
func (g *Client) getSingleAccount(op string, id int) (*Account, error) {
	var endPoint string
	method := rest.Get
	strID := strconv.Itoa(id)

	switch op {
	case "account":
		endPoint = "accounts/" + strID
	case "verify_credentials":
		endPoint = "accounts/verify_credentials"
	case "follow", "unfollow", "block", "unblock", "mute", "unmute":
		endPoint = "accounts/" + strID + "/" + op
		method = rest.Post
	case "follow_requests/authorize", "follow_requests/reject":
		// The documentation is incorrect, the endpoint actually
		// is "follow_requests/:id/{authorize|reject}"
		endPoint = op[:16] + strID + "/" + op[16:]
		method = rest.Post
		return nil, ErrInvalidParameter

	var account Account
	if err := g.apiCall(endPoint, method, nil, &account); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &account, nil

// getMultipleAccounts returns a list of account entities
// The operation 'op' can be "followers", "following", "search", "blocks",
// "mutes", "follow_requests".
// The id is optional and depends on the operation.
func (g *Client) getMultipleAccounts(op string, opts *getAccountsOptions) ([]Account, error) {
	var endPoint string

	switch op {
	case "followers", "following":
		if opts == nil || opts.ID < 1 {
			return []Account{}, ErrInvalidID
		endPoint = "accounts/" + strconv.Itoa(opts.ID) + "/" + op
	case "follow_requests", "blocks", "mutes":
		endPoint = op
	case "search":
		if opts == nil || opts.Q == "" {
			return []Account{}, ErrInvalidParameter
		endPoint = "accounts/" + op
		return nil, ErrInvalidParameter

	// Handle target-specific query parameters
	params := make(apiCallParams)
	if op == "search" {
		params["q"] = opts.Q
		if opts.Limit > 0 {
			params["limit"] = strconv.Itoa(opts.Limit)

	var accounts []Account
	if err := g.apiCall(endPoint, rest.Get, params, &accounts); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return accounts, nil

// GetAccount returns an account entity
// The returned value can be nil if there is an error or if the
// requested ID does not exist.
func (g *Client) GetAccount(id int) (*Account, error) {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("account", id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if account != nil && account.ID == 0 {
		return nil, ErrEntityNotFound
	return account, nil

// GetCurrentAccount returns the current user account
func (g *Client) GetCurrentAccount() (*Account, error) {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("verify_credentials", 0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if account != nil && account.ID == 0 {
		return nil, ErrEntityNotFound
	return account, nil

// GetAccountFollowers returns the list of accounts following a given account
func (g *Client) GetAccountFollowers(accountID int) ([]Account, error) {
	o := &getAccountsOptions{ID: accountID}
	return g.getMultipleAccounts("followers", o)

// GetAccountFollowing returns the list of accounts a given account is following
func (g *Client) GetAccountFollowing(accountID int) ([]Account, error) {
	o := &getAccountsOptions{ID: accountID}
	return g.getMultipleAccounts("following", o)

// FollowAccount follows an account
func (g *Client) FollowAccount(id int) error {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("follow", id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if account != nil && account.ID != id {
		return ErrEntityNotFound
	return nil

// UnfollowAccount unfollows an account
func (g *Client) UnfollowAccount(id int) error {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("unfollow", id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if account != nil && account.ID != id {
		return ErrEntityNotFound
	return nil

// FollowRemoteAccount follows a remote account
// The parameter 'uri' is a URI (e.g. "username@domain").
func (g *Client) FollowRemoteAccount(uri string) (*Account, error) {
	if uri == "" {
		return nil, ErrInvalidID

	params := make(apiCallParams)
	params["uri"] = uri

	var account Account
	if err := g.apiCall("follows", rest.Post, params, &account); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if account.ID == 0 {
		return nil, ErrEntityNotFound
	return &account, nil

// BlockAccount blocks an account
func (g *Client) BlockAccount(id int) error {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("block", id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if account != nil && account.ID != id {
		return ErrEntityNotFound
	return nil

// UnblockAccount unblocks an account
func (g *Client) UnblockAccount(id int) error {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("unblock", id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if account != nil && account.ID != id {
		return ErrEntityNotFound
	return nil

// MuteAccount mutes an account
func (g *Client) MuteAccount(id int) error {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("mute", id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if account != nil && account.ID != id {
		return ErrEntityNotFound
	return nil

// UnmuteAccount unmutes an account
func (g *Client) UnmuteAccount(id int) error {
	account, err := g.getSingleAccount("unmute", id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if account != nil && account.ID != id {
		return ErrEntityNotFound
	return nil

// SearchAccounts returns a list of accounts matching the query string
// The limit parameter is optional (can be 0).
func (g *Client) SearchAccounts(query string, limit int) ([]Account, error) {
	o := &getAccountsOptions{Q: query, Limit: limit}
	return g.getMultipleAccounts("search", o)

// GetBlockedAccounts returns the list of blocked accounts
func (g *Client) GetBlockedAccounts() ([]Account, error) {
	return g.getMultipleAccounts("blocks", nil)

// GetMutedAccounts returns the list of muted accounts
func (g *Client) GetMutedAccounts() ([]Account, error) {
	return g.getMultipleAccounts("mutes", nil)

// GetAccountFollowRequests returns the list of follow requests accounts
func (g *Client) GetAccountFollowRequests() ([]Account, error) {
	return g.getMultipleAccounts("follow_requests", nil)

// GetAccountRelationships returns a list of relationship entities for the given accounts
func (g *Client) GetAccountRelationships(accountIDs []int) ([]Relationship, error) {
	if len(accountIDs) < 1 {
		return nil, ErrInvalidID

	params := make(apiCallParams)
	for i, id := range accountIDs {
		qID := fmt.Sprintf("id[%d]", i+1)
		params[qID] = strconv.Itoa(id)

	var rl []Relationship
	if err := g.apiCall("accounts/relationships", rest.Get, params, &rl); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return rl, nil

// GetAccountStatuses returns a list of status entities for the given account
// If onlyMedia is true, returns only statuses that have media attachments.
// If excludeReplies is true, skip statuses that reply to other statuses.
func (g *Client) GetAccountStatuses(accountID int, onlyMedia, excludeReplies bool) ([]Status, error) {
	if accountID < 1 {
		return nil, ErrInvalidID

	endPoint := "accounts/" + strconv.Itoa(accountID) + "/" + "statuses"
	params := make(apiCallParams)
	if onlyMedia {
		params["only_media"] = "true"
	if excludeReplies {
		params["exclude_replies"] = "true"

	var sl []Status
	if err := g.apiCall(endPoint, rest.Get, params, &sl); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return sl, nil

// FollowRequestAuthorize authorizes or rejects an account follow-request
func (g *Client) FollowRequestAuthorize(accountID int, authorize bool) error {
	endPoint := "follow_requests/reject"
	if authorize {
		endPoint = "follow_requests/authorize"
	_, err := g.getSingleAccount(endPoint, accountID)
	return err